Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Something new is building up in my heart, something I recognize from a long time ago but I left a side to go chasing ghosts, monsters and fairytales. In the process I left her behind and chose illusion instead of my reality. Why was I so unconsidered? Why I neglected myself to go find happiness in others when the key was to be true to myself and the right one would come along?

Something came knocking my door and I decided to open and without pretend nor false hope I’m accepting this change. A change of lifestyle that doesn´t include my selfish ways nor my constant desire to think for a second that I can be god. A change of paradigm, a chase of new skills, a compromise with fulfillment happiness. My body is aching from the pain of how ignorant I’ve been all these years, how negligent I’ve been with the temple I was confide. A temple that is not mine but yet it´s my responsibility to care and to treasure for Someone that it´s above me yet that loves me unconditionally.

Something feels different in my way of thinking now; Something has awakened my heart and now the past isn´t that important anymore. Suddenly, I have encounter myself walking towards peace and complete surrender of my sense of control, my eagerness of having it my way or nothing at all, I’ve encounter the way of humility and today I’m deciding to walk free towards a Higher Power, towards God´s ways instead of mines because all of mines have failed and if I’m here standing it´s because of His mercy and grace.


Something isn´t good for me anymore and something unknown to my heart is the path to complete happiness. I don´t know when the work of His hands will be done with me, the only thing I know is that I have opened the door, I’m taking His hands, I’m surrendering my will to Him and going forward my life will be different.

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