Friday, September 21, 2012

My friend

I wish things would be simpler and the wind could erase all i lived preserving you intact. Looking back i remembered being the stubborn one, wasn't i so blinded? brainless even, senseless or hardheaded? Did you suffer, was i in your mind for long like you were in mine?

I can't change time or travel in it : to change answers, moments, walks toward home with the perfect company, verses, cards, my book, your feelings, mines, our stupid bad timing, your pride, mine, your goodbye, my mistake of letting you go for choosing someone that was never above you, you moving on, me trying, you succeeding, me disappearing and finally living in the same place but in different worlds.

All i can do right now is to be happy for both of us and wish to have you as my friend, is that too much to ask at this point? Would you let me in as your friend, expecting nothing but peace between us? i really hope so.

I know i have no right to ask you this, i know it isn't my place to, i know that i made my choice and i have to accept it, i know you probably don't even want to  but let me dream that you might.


Thursday, September 06, 2012

The "I don't Care" Dance

Circles, jumps, side to side movements, bow, claps, laughters and wild songs are the result of how i feel now;Wondering why i last so long on doing it: daring not to care so much about everything nor everyone. Here i stand motionless to the world but a hurricane of joy inside, freedom is knocking my door and i'm openning with a concert of hope and wearing a possitive gown.

I can't stop smiling, i love the fact that it has nothing to do with noone's effect in my life i'ts all a blessing from God: having amnesia penetrate my brain and simply sending me to the " i don't care" world. Now, please don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean i'm on my way of living reckless , on the contrary, it means that i refuse to let it affect me and lingered arround me for decades waiting on some miracle that it's actually my worse nightmare. This dance is for ME...... Only me, about me, for me and inspired by me.

Turning arround in circles has a dizzy effect and probably would seem to others that i'm not getting anywhere with this but after loving someone so intensely,hating to love him again,trying to forget his existance, separating my soul from him by seas; This has been my salvation, the only way to allow myself  free from the things  in my mind, things that only exists here,  this dance is what  i choose to involve myself in.

Here i am, not caring and then she interrupts my march:

-Not caring, uh?

I stop.

-Please, by all means, continue.

Now i'm real still.

-Is it working?

Yes, i said.

-Really working?

I guess it is, i replayed.

-Why not instead of a dance, you make it a walk?

Umm, good idea.. it didn't cross my mind before, i meditated.

-That's why i'm your mother Sal, because i know better.

True that, i smiled.

-So, did you think  about what you're going to do when IT appears in front of your face?


-Do you have a clue what the consequences are?.

I think i will go back to dancing? i asked.

-Do you really think IT will fall for it and believe this little act of yours?

No, Mom.  I felt ashame to say.

-Listen, darling. The only way you will trully dance or walk under the NOT CARING umbrella is when IT is finally  out of your heart. IT ,needs to be out of your heart, please no more! Don't keep doing this to yourself, what i want  is to see in your eyes  is the reflexion of YOU and no more of  IT.

I understand what you mean. I said.

-Do you really?

I do, i've been working on it and i know i'm in the right track. I was honest to her, Because there's no way i can lie to my better half.

-I will dance with  you Sal, but i want this dance to be definitive. I want to see happiness scripted in your face instead of regret or wishing for SOMETHING that isn't worhty of the exceptional woman that you are. Tell me now which is going to be: regret or Trully dancing for the victory of sending IT to hell?

Mom.....From today on we DANCE and IT burns in Hell!

-That's my girl!


Wednesday, September 05, 2012


I love the morning breeze that tells me that i have a new day ahead with a blank page to write my smiles , erase negativity and learn form my mistakes.

I enjoy every second of the sunrise  because it reminds me that it purifies earth giving us a second chance. Letting us breath the wind of new opportunities and refocus our lives towards hope and achievement.

I Think of the millions of roses giving their scent, the thousands of trees renewing oxygen on our lands, the hundreds of seas bringing good news; Here is where i stand and say Love is more than enough to endure everything else.

I'm passioned about rain falling in my face , making me understand that there's a new world out there waiting to be discover: me.

I wish for wings, new glasses to let me foresee the future, a golden compass to show me the right way, a sword that help me conquered my fears, a cape to always keep me warm and a endless smile to remind me i'm human. But...How would i live if i want to protect the natural curse of life?

By letting it be , is when i already won the battle....
Keep dancing in the rain, you'll see how warm it really is.
