You have sailed away, finally from my heart. I'm done craving for the unexistance of your soul that once cast me away in the most black hole nightmare.My body doesn't want your hands or your warmth, i'm contemplating how easy my life is now, without any complications or disarters: THANK YOU.
One day at the time is all i need, one page a day i'll make even if it seemed imposible i'm overcoming my fears and i'm ready to move foward.
She finally walks in and we have our last conversation about you:
-Feeling better now?-She asked
I feel it, i feel that i don't have a burden or any shadows behind my back. I am free now.
-So, was i right that he never deserved you?-she had to throw it out there eventually.
Yes mom, you were. You're always right, i should've listened the first time.
-Sometimes is better to live it than to listen, i guess this wasn't the exeption.-She replayed with a low tone and continue- But, let me ask you, what about love, the love you said you felt can't be ignored. What are you going to do with that love?
I have wash it away, put in a box and throw into the sea.
-The Sea? umm, you know the sea's rule, right? If it belonged once he will bring it back, is that what you're
expecting from this, haven't you learned nothing?-She had her eyes watered and looking at me with anger.

Not this time mom, i sent it to the sea because i'm most certain that it will never get back because i don't want it anymore, i finally realized that i did the right thing of letting go the first time and that i shouldn't have try recovering it. I have learned the hard way: i really thought that he was my soulmate , that we were meant for each other but reality has played the cards much better, i have cried it, hurt it, suffered it.
I washed it away with tears, moments of silence,fear and with acceptance. Now, serenity has joing the party and i've decided to love whom ever loves me back. These are the reasons that have made me feel free and relieved , knowing that we both wish well to each other if even it took me more time than him but finally closure is definitive.
-Wao, you're at peace. Are you ready to live the life you were built for?-She insisted
Mom, i finally found someone perfect for this twisted, broken, misunderstood, aged,carefull, wonderous, private heart of mine. I've had it in front of me all alone, it is him that make me be a better version of me, it is now that i can finally say i trully love someone else, someone that deserves my love, someone that i deserve as well.
-Good, you've learned it, the hard way but you have learned it. I'm glad one of us it's at a timely manner to redo her life the proper way. Let's go now, everyone it's wating and he'll be the one waiting at the altar.
As we walked toward the stairs i heard the whisper in my head: " One page a day is all you need"
I smiled, knowing that peace will remain in me.
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