Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Seven Minutes

Life and all it'ss games have brought me to this conclusion: Where I stand at this right spot, is the place designed for me to occupy. A temporary place that I can change at any time and find myself searching a different happiness.  
The big question is: Why change it? Easy answer: Because we can. Then I have another one hitting me hard: What if the perfect place for me was found, decided to change it and suddenly I’m now looking to go back? Not an easy answer there: too bad, because you can’t.
Life, only one shot at it and you have to work hard to make it count. I’ve been  wandering and wondering about the mysteries, about  my confusions, my mistakes, my winnings, my war, my heart, my true love and the end  to  the speech is this: It’s all Vanity, pure incorrigibly and irreverent Vanity. Because what matters isn’t what we lived nor what we will get, what matters is this spot where I am and the desire to stay or to change it. Then I smile and know the answer to this: “I’m staying and you’re going to love me”. Loving me just   like this: wrecked, troubled, complicated and within all of it absolutely perfect. Perfect for you.  And you perfect for me.
Life is what I need right now and it’s all I will need every day, because in the end in seven minutes I will walk on what I lived and the things that made me happy or sad. That short time is the only thing I would need to rest at peace knowing I lived life to the fullest and was happy.

Enjoying this spot and staying.


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