Friday, August 31, 2012

The Vanishing act

Someone said: " Patience is a Virtue". Is that person dead or alive?
I seem not to learn this lesson. I seem to miss the point on waiting. I think i'm more confortable with " the magic wand" tecnique: you wish, you get! But then again, reality kicks in hard and reminds me that i have to attempt  cross over her dead body to achieve that.

Today has been amazingly surprising: i can look at what i want for as long as i want, i can even try to step close to it, i can attempt to touch it. The second i'm close enough to get , it has the ability to vanish, disapear or even evaporate from  in front of my eyes. Like , it's saying straight to my face: Dream on! or almost there but not on time! or it was never meant to be.

My life depending on the speed of a minature cell that could grant me the key to a different world, isn't this ironic? or maybe amazing? or probably unbelievable?
No, it's actually true.
I'm thinking now to ask for supernatural powers that could grant me the magical performance of a wizard, i'm thinking that my wanting desire is to play an expecific act: Vanishing.

I still hear a voice saying "Patience is a Virtue", can someone explain why? or simply make me understand, is there any way that it could be simpler, life i mean?

The answer is no.

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