Friday, March 16, 2012

Letter #2

Letter Two
To all,
I will no longer accept defeat or deception as a final answer.
“I will walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous,
 the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people
with their head in the clouds and their feet on the ground”.
I will surround my soul with the spirit of accomplishment and enterprising.
I won’t stop until I get there.
I will conquer my dreams and will flag them with my fingerprints until I make them happened.
I will live and enjoy the time granted.
I will not stop smiling but will avoid sadness, negativity and people with no goals in life.
I will breathe fresh air during and after the rain.
I will hold on to His promises and walk with no fear. (YES     I WILL      DEPEND    ON    GOD)
I will keep fighting until the end, until there’s no more self strength only FAITH.
Walking forward, living the present time and dreaming with the near future.


  1. And I will be by your side every step of the way, smiling back, encouraghhing you, never allowind even a glimpse of sadness to enter your world, and should it dare, I will help you fight it off.

    Life is too wonderful to let negativity get the best of us. Walk proud, walk tall, live happy and your dreams will come true without you noticing, for HE is great, and guides us through this "hard" time.

    Welcome to wonderland, we were waiting. I was waiting for you.

  2. Thanks Friend for inspiring me! love ya!
