Enduring your absence and admiting my defeat, i haven't got the time to dwell you or cry you because the surrounds are too loud and noone cares for my silent love death. The Island wasn't big enough to make us moved on, i wasn't good enough to retained you. You left this land and our time meant to you as much as the wind means to the solid rock: nothing.
-Why you didn't say goodbye my love?
-Didn't i deserve to know that from now on i would have to carry the burden of our memories by myself? that i was going to be left alone with our past and you cowardly decided to run, to start over?
Him-Face looking the other way.
- You know, you loved me. Did you really?
Him-head down, moving negatively.
-Why i wasn't enough for you? why didn't you stay, why you didn't pick me? answer me, dam it! ( crying at this point, angry for the impotence of hating this creature that didn't deserved to be loved)
Him- turned his back and started to walk away- as usual.
I wish there could be an users manual for LOVE, for the heart and for the mind. To reset what should never happend ,to avoid troubleshootings and to shut down the main source of pain. I'm fighting my mouth not to shout the words a souless prick like you should NEVER hear, i'm pleading to my heart not to suffer for a faded creature like you, i'm prohibing my legs not to even think to run after a selfish ignorant like you. But they refuse to listen...
I begged for some miracle to have you out of my life once and for all, and boy have i succeeded . I wanted to say bye to you so many times, and boy you've forced me the hard way by becoming untoucheable, ureachable, vanished from this land.
-I want to say that this is it.
But my brain is having the ultimate war with my heart , even when my brain and body will move foward, my heart will keep the velvet room clean and neat for you and will love you for as long as it beats , will wait for you in that room even when is wrong, even when it can't be, even when i shall never see you again in my lifetime.
The mouth its getting ready now to its doom:
-I love you and i'll miss you forever.